Monday, July 18, 2011

I gauged my ear, and now it's so swollen, I cant get the gauge out and my entire left side of my head hurts. ?

I went from a half inch to a 9/16. I'm using those rubber gauges where you can completely see through. I'm used to minor pain, I've been stretching my ears for two and a half years now, and never really had any issues. I used a brand new, never used gauge, and stretched it six days ago. I've been experiencing discomfort, such as tenderness and sensitivity towards touch, nothing I can't really handle, and I can tug on it a bit before the pain really gets to me. However, tonight I finally took a full on look at it, after I realized that the section of ear below my gauge was still extremely stiff and swollen. I managed to squeeze the gauge together a bit, and the pain was terrible in doing so, and blood and white puss gushed out. I was surprised by this, so I checked the back. Which, had a ring of dead skin on the inner side of the gauge, dried blood and, since I'd messed with it, fresh blood too. I really don't want to take the gauge out, it hurts too badly and my gauge will not budge. It was difficult just squeezing it together a bit to see my actual ear. I put rubbing alcohol on both sides in hope to maybe flush out any bad bacteria, but I fear that it'll never heal. I almost cannot physically remove the gauge, and I wasn't sure if this could cause any horrible damage to my ear. Currently, my entire ear, the part of my neck around my ear, and my throat on that side hurt, which they hadn't until tonight when I fiddled with it to see what was wrong. I want to know what options I have, taking out is on the very, VERY bottom of that list. And I was wondering what explanations there were to why it would be so badly swollen. Like I've said, I have been doing this for years, and I've never had any issues. I just don't want my ear to rip.

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