Thursday, July 14, 2011

Normal Pregnancy or Ectopic?

Im not exactly sure on the dpo since I wasnt temping, but I should be between 14 and 19. This is my 3rd cycleoff bcp so my cycles may not be exactly back to normal, but the have always been (past11 years) been 29 or 30day cycles. No matter my dpo, Im at least a day late. I have had so many pregnancy symptoms for the majority of the past 2 weeks since they are close to what I get after O I couldnt distinguish when the preg. symptoms started and the post o/pms symptoms stopped. Four days ago I got a Bfn with afternoon urine, yesterday I got a Bfn with Fmu and this morning I got a FAINNNT bfp. My symptoms kinda tapered off yesterday and the day before but now they are back full force. I have had no bleeding and no af cramping besides dull achy cramping all over my lower ab area lasting no more than 10 min a day. I have however had increase in watery cm,and my cervix is extremely high closed and mushy as its been for the past 4 days. I have been pregnant 3 times, so I know I am pregnant.What scares me is I have had really intense symptoms, yet my hpts are bfn or faint bfps? I would think they would be extremely dark the way Im feeling! Im going to the ob tomorrow, I just was wondering if you all had any idea what could be going on. Ive had a few tugs and twinges on BOTH sides, at different times but not one sidemore that the other. The main reason Im wondering ab ectopic is b/c i think I couldve either Od or had implantation about 5 dpo, which seemstoo early for implt.right? also the faint bfp and all the bfns at this late. My ob is aware of my concerns, which she doesnt seem too concerned right now, and said if it is ill be given 2 doses of Metho.If anyone knows EARLY symptoms of EP kindly share! Please kind words only as you can prob tell Im a mess right now. t.y in advance ladies. God Bless.

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